Thursday, July 5, 2012

Aquaponic Vegetables

Aquaponic vegetable gardening is something that has enjoyed great popularity in the UK. It is quickly gaining ground in the United States as a way to save money by growing your own vegetables.
I cannot truthfully say, at the age of 54, that I remember the victory gardens that sprung up all over during the second world war. But at one time I was a big fan of everything World War II and read extensively about all the things people were doing at home to help the war effort. One of those things was that they planted vegetable gardens so that they could save money on food and show their patriotism.
Now I want to introduce people to a new way to save money in the current economy by growing their own vegetables and as a byproduct having all the fish that they can possibly eat. This new system is called aquaponics and is a great source of what I call aquaponic vegetables. Aquaponics is a system where you fill a good sized container(old bathtubs work best) with water and a substance which will enable flotation and then add fish to it.
Then you place whatever plants you want to grow(does not have to be vegetables) on top with their roots in the water. This takes advantage of the balance in nature between plants and fish. The fish produce algae, nitrates, minerals, and ammonia which is just what the plants need to thrive. The plants, on the other hand, act as a filtration device for the fish.
Using this method, you can actually grow 10 times the number of plants in half the time of traditional methods. And in this economy that can lead to great savings over visiting the produce section of your local supermarket. And the vegetables are so much fresher.
Also a great benefit to setting up a system to grow vegetables this way is that you get fresh fish to eat. This is a very nice byproduct of the aquaponic system as fish is a healthy food. More and more in the current economy and with people always on the go and eating fast food all the time it is nice to find a system that addresses issues like healthy eating and saving money at the same time.
I know that I am having a blast with my aquaponic system (two old bathtubs, which my wife calls mosquito breeding grounds) and I know there will be huge benefits from it for a long time to come.
Hello, my name is Lee Bland and I am a 54 year old confirmed bachelor who loves home gardening. As I stated, I am really loving this way of growing fresh vegetables and I believe it has many advantages over traditional methods of gardening. To read more about this passion I am sure I share with many others go to Aquaponic Vegetables.

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